Friday, May 7, 2021

Want, Need or Just Plain Needy?

Do you need someone in your life? 

Or do you just want someone in your life? 

Can you do both?

How fine is that line between wanting and needing someone? 

I truly feel you can be healthy emotionally and still need someone. But if "needing" another is the key to happiness then I say the line has been crossed and you've fallen into neediness. 

I feel like needing someone is akin to Jerry Maguire's "you complete me" romantic soliloquy to Dorothy Boyd. The individual's love and peace are strong but together, with another, they are unbreakable.  

The want is the foundation for the need. It's the baseline and you build from there. 

Again though, like the need, if the want is superficially based, you've now fallen into wanting for the sake of having...which is very different from wanting and far more of a short-term proposition. 

Want and need...the stairsteps to a lifetime but a thin line for sure.  


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