Saturday, January 25, 2020

Yeah Baby!

You know it. You can just feel it. You can walk into a room and everyone can see it. Your friends and family vibe off it. It's that confident feeling that no matter the dilemma, no matter the situation, no matter the risk, you've got this.


It's the dash of the perfect spice to the recipe for success. It's also the Achilles heel for many of us.

Remember when Austin Powers lost his 'mojo?' That crushed him. He couldn't function in his job (or in the bedroom). He didn't have that same edge. He had lost the spice.

We all go through things in life that temporarily remove our mojo. Our lizard brain starts talking and we do whatever we can to keep our mojo down. Remember, it's a temporary thing. Get out of your own brain and be confident in who you are and what you can do.

If you feel your mojo slip sliding away, bring out your inner Stuart Smalley. "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me!"

Call it what you want. Stella had her groove. Austin had his mojo. But, don't ever forget where you left it.

"So, can I ask you one question, baby?"

Friday, January 3, 2020

Time, Love and Your Gut

20 years.

Seems like a long time doesn't it? It is in some aspects. We get a lot grayer. A little more out of shape. Wiser (hopefully). We get a broader view of the world with a more narrow focus. Time changes.

But there are two things that don't change over time.

Love and the trust in your gut.

I fell in love with my wife a few years ago. But our paths almost crossed originally 20 years ago because of careers. I contend to this day that we would've met and the feelings would've been the same. Attraction is timeless. Love is timeless. If Doc's Delorean would've dropped Marty McFly off in the late 90's, he would've felt the same way he does today.

Take it to the bank.

20 years ago, I met a C-suite potential future employer over martinis. We had a great conversation. Shared concepts, ideas and vision. Something didn't feel right though. I turned down the opportunity. 20 years later I accepted. Didn't work out. No foul. Took a shot.

No matter how many seconds, minutes, hours or days love and your gut.

Love and your gut don't read time because those two things are timeless.

They both take a helluva licking...but always keep ticking.

No batteries required.