Sunday, May 23, 2021

Seats On The Bus


When I was younger, I used to think everyone meaningful who came into my life would always play a big role in my life's trip.  No matter who, or what role, I just always assumed. 

I have lost people in my life to death and I have lost people in my life to choices. Obviously, death brings finality but choices can as well. 

I have people in my life who have chosen to write themselves out of the script (there are also people who I have edited out myself). 

I feel like my life has been a good bus ride.  Twists, and turns. Ups and downs.  No different than others.  Picking up different riders along the way. 

I know my bus isn't perfect.  It breaks down sometimes.  Sometimes, we get lost.  Sometimes it stalls. Sometimes it careens off the road.  Sometimes it's a lemon. 

But it's my bus.  I do think it's a pretty boss ride. It's fun, But I only have so many seats on it.  If you want to jump on, please do.  If you don't want to, that's cool.  You've got your own bus and several others to get your passes for.  Your choice. 

This route will keep going.  


Friday, May 7, 2021

Want, Need or Just Plain Needy?

Do you need someone in your life? 

Or do you just want someone in your life? 

Can you do both?

How fine is that line between wanting and needing someone? 

I truly feel you can be healthy emotionally and still need someone. But if "needing" another is the key to happiness then I say the line has been crossed and you've fallen into neediness. 

I feel like needing someone is akin to Jerry Maguire's "you complete me" romantic soliloquy to Dorothy Boyd. The individual's love and peace are strong but together, with another, they are unbreakable.  

The want is the foundation for the need. It's the baseline and you build from there. 

Again though, like the need, if the want is superficially based, you've now fallen into wanting for the sake of having...which is very different from wanting and far more of a short-term proposition. 

Want and need...the stairsteps to a lifetime but a thin line for sure.  


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose.

Yes, that's the mantra of Coach Eric Taylor and the Dillon Panthers on the TV show, "Friday Night Lights." It was their battle cry.  It was a staple in everything they stood for. It was their rally point. It brought the team together when it seemed like they were about to fall apart. 

It was just a TV show but art did imitate life when they painted a picture of what Friday Night Lights really does mean to a community. 

This past Friday night, we got to experience our one home Friday night football game during this Spring season.  Because the pandemic erased our fall season, our school (Oregon High School) put together an abbreviated Spring season to give these kids a chance to play. 

As I looked around at the parents and fans during our pre-game activities and during the game, I saw clear eyes and full hearts.  For three hours, the world seemed normal again. For three hours, time stopped and there was nothing else but a football game going on.  For three hours, we could all forget the troubles of the times and just cheer.  

That's what Friday Night Lights gives us all.  Players, fans, families, and friends.  We get to escape and experience the raw emotion of the night.  We get to feel alive again.  The smiles.  The tears. The wins and losses.   

"When I feel that chill, smell that fresh cut grass...I'm back in my helmet, cleats, and shoulder pads."

Friday Night Lights. 

Can't lose.