Wednesday, August 30, 2023

What Stirs You?


Margaritas, Daiquris, and Mojitos. 

Just a smattering of drinks that use a stir stick (affectionately known as a Swizzle stick). 

The stir stick is used to make the ingredients in a cocktail come to life.  It brings the flavors to the forefront. It leads to the climax of the taste. 

Straight up or on the rocks, the Swizzle makes it all work. It's not the cocktail you want without this finishing touch.  

Life is one big cocktail.  Bring it to life. 

Make it what you want and swizzle the hell out of it. Take the individual ingredients and make it life's double bubble.  

Belly up to the bar, don't wait for the last call, and make it the best effin Happy Hour you can. 


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