Sunday, March 7, 2021

Everybody Takes Authorship


When my wife was in college, she was sitting in a class when she heard gasps from her fellow students. 

She looked up to see the professor bleeding from his head.  

He calmly removed a handkerchief from his pocket, dabbed the blood on his forehead, and matter-of-factly exclaimed, "we all have our stories" and proceeded to go back to teaching the class as if nothing had happened. 

We all have our stories. 

When they say you can't judge a book by its cover, they are so on target. 

We meander through life and bump into people everywhere.  Some stay awhile and some are just passing through but all have their stories.  All have their demons.  All have their challenges. All have their things that trigger their respective lizard brains. For lack of a better term, "all have their crosses to bear." 

Robin Williams once said, "everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." 

It's that simple.  We are all authors of our own books.  

Understand that some of our pens either bleed ink or simply run out. 

But, they are all worth reading. 

One page at a time. 



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