Saturday, January 26, 2019

Enough Already!

None of us like to give up.

We are taught from an early age that 'quitters never win and winners never quit.'

It's probably the most known axiom of all time.

It's also the one that probably speaks half truth a lot of the time.

(That extra space allows you time to pause to let that last line sink in)

You see, there is a difference between 'giving up' and 'had enough.'

There are definitive situations where the pain or risk of keeping something going outweighs the reward of actually accomplishing the goal.

I can't remember one Disney movie or Hallmark special where the protagonist gives up. Imagine Simba just deciding Hakuna Matata was really the way to go and that was the end of the story. Imagine the 1980 USA hockey team actually giving up against the Russians and settling for a bronze medal.

But, it does happen in real life and it's okay. You have to be aware of when enough is enough. Does the freedom from the burden overrule the outcome?

I am not advocating just giving up whenever but I am saying weigh the endgame when considering your options.

Throwing in the towel might just be better than crying in your towel.

Enough is enough.

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