“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”
We all have experienced it in one form or another.
Whether unexpected or something known, the sting and hurt from the loss can be crippling.
But what loss loses more? Death or walking out?
By walking out, I mean that someone is still very much alive but no longer is in your life. For whatever reason. Anger. Indifference. Or simply, growing apart.
Death has a finality to it but I will argue the memories tend to be sweeter.
Walking out still presents hope but there's more sadness to it.
Each one takes a piece of you away. Your wholeness is compromised.
But like damaged muscles, tendons, and ligaments, the area around it usually gets stronger. Make the area around your hurt stronger.
"Anything you lose comes around in another form."
PS; That's a picture of my Dad and Sister. I have lost both.