Ever been in that "damned if you do, damned if you don't" types of situation?
Of course, you have.
It's a human condition. Somewhere, buried deep with the Lost Ark and the Holy Grail, are the rules of being human and this is somewhere between 23 and 48 on the list.
I have taken a path and ended up in a certain place. I have taken the direct opposite path and, lo and behold, have ended up in the exact same damn place.
When you find yourself in this situation, there is only one course of action; throw your hands up and say..."f--k it." It is what it is.
One thing to note though, sometimes you do this and you aren't necessarily damned. Sometimes, you go East-West on something and it actually turns out OK.
Don't overthink it. Like I said, somewhere between 23 and 48. It's like 35 or 36.
By the way, I'd choose to do rather than not do. Almost always.
Damn straight.