Thursday, September 30, 2021




Ever been in that "damned if you do, damned if you don't" types of situation? 

Of course, you have. 

It's a human condition. Somewhere, buried deep with the Lost Ark and the Holy Grail, are the rules of being human and this is somewhere between 23 and 48 on the list. 

I have taken a path and ended up in a certain place.  I have taken the direct opposite path and, lo and behold, have ended up in the exact same damn place.  

When you find yourself in this situation, there is only one course of action; throw your hands up and say..."f--k it."  It is what it is.  

One thing to note though, sometimes you do this and you aren't necessarily damned.  Sometimes, you go East-West on something and it actually turns out OK. 

Don't overthink it.  Like I said, somewhere between 23 and 48.  It's like 35 or 36.  

By the way, I'd choose to do rather than not do. Almost always. 

Damn straight. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

What's Your Recipe?


Who are you? 

I am not talking about some ethereal, cosmic description of who you are.  I am talking about the ingredients that create the recipe masterpiece that is you. 

Where did these ingredients come from?  Who influenced you? 

The real-life people in your life, who you know, who have shaped who you are.  The real-life people who you don't know but who you can relate to.  And, the fictitious characters who you have gotten to know through pop culture, who you can see yourself in their reflections. 

The easy, off the top of your head answers, are family members and friends. Dig deeper.  Who gave you your ingredients? 

Here's my list and why they made it...

My Dad - His ability to love, connect and care. 

My Mom - Keeping things grounded. 

Cindy Leighton - Getting me into radio. 

Pat Ryan - My theater TA who told me that natural talent only goes so far. 

Alan Watts - For looking at life as not a journey with a destination but a song to dance to. 

Jack Kerouac - Giving meaning to "the road." 

Ernest Hemingway - Adventurist. 

Robert Frost - Making words come alive. 

Ernest Shackleton - To explore without fear (his whisky is a close second). 

Doug Coughlin - Psychology at the bar. 

Tony Stark - Strength with insecurities (genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist all are in there as well). 

Don Draper - The art of advertising. 

Walter Mitty - To dream. 

Kenny Chesney - To remember what it's like to take your shoes off. 

Coach Eric Taylor - To coach a team to realize their full potential. 

And finally, my wife...who I have found...has a little bit of everyone else. 

What's cookin' with you? 


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Some Guy in Plesantville


Did you see the movie "Pleasantville?" 

How about "Free Guy?" 

Both are excellent movies with original storylines, brilliant writing, and thespian-like acting. 

One character is trapped in a black and white world and the other is trapped being a non-player character (NPC) in a video game.  Both realize something is wrong.  Both realize something is missing. Both struggle to find the answers. 

Both breakthrough to the other side of their respective worlds though. Both take risks.  Blow up comfort zones.  Break societal constraints. 

Life does imitate art and vice versa. 

In life, there are times when you need to breakthrough.  Take the road less traveled. Leave your comfort zone in the rearview mirror. 

Life is not planned out for us.  It's ad-libbed.  Live it the best way you can all the way through the closing credits and don't be afraid to go off-script. 

"It's not supposed to be like this."  "It's not supposed to be anything." 

"Life doesn't have to be something that just happens to us." 

And...scene. That's a take.