"You can't handle the truth!"
The iconic line Colonel Nathan R. Jessep shouted when Luitentant Daniel Kaffee pushed and pushed the Colonel to answer the question "did you order the code red?!"
We all know how it ended. Jessep admitted to ordering the code red and Kaffee gets justice at the end of the day.
Lately, I have encountered a lot of people in life who can't handle the truth...about themselves. They continually avoid their own self-truth and distance themselves from who they really are (I tend to overthink self-actualization sometimes so much so that my wife identifies when I am being over-thinky).
The person in the mirror.
Self-actualization is one of the most powerful tools in life.
Knowing your strengths. Admitting your weaknesses.
Celebrating your good. Owning your bad.
Once you come to grips with your own reality, you are actually freer than you have ever been. You create balance with who you are, who you work with, who you love, and who makes up your inner circle.
You can move forward because you are no longer bound by the fallacies you've created about who you are and how your orbits revolve around you.
It all starts with you. The rest comes easy.