Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Beard Paradox

That's me with a recently trimmed beard.

(Yeah, I know...very little pepper in those salt and pepper whiskers).

My wife loves the look of the beard on me. When I have attempted to shave it off (all together or partially), she states "that's not what she signed up for."

Conversely, she also has said it feels like acupuncture when my beard touches her skin.

I bring you "The Beard Paradox."

The Beard Paradox is basically something in life that on one hand is desired but on the other hand, it is unwanted.

Ahhh, the rose. So pretty. So delicate.

A signature sign of love.

But, damn those thorns hurt!

John Cougar said it best.

Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don't feel like it should
You make it, hurt so good

And now you know about "The Beard Paradox."

And always remember, where "beard" comes from...

Being Exceptional Among Regular Dudes.

True story.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

To Believe

Remember "Polar Express?"

Remember when the Tom Hanks character punched the ticket with the word "believe" on it. That's all the main character had to do to make the Polar Express and Santa real. Believe.

The Disney character, Jiminy Cricket was always telling boys and girls everywhere to believe in the magic of Disney.

Whether it be the love of Gepetto for his son Pinnochio, the magic of a kiss from a prince or a friendship between a fox and a hound, it was always about believing.

"When you wish upon a star..."

All you had to do was to believe and all your dreams would come true.

Let me tell you about another kind of belief.

This is when someone believes in someone else with all of their heart.

They believe in them as a friend. They believe in them as a spouse. They believe in them as a parent. They believe in them as a co-worker. In every facet of life.

The power and confidence that comes from that belief can erase any measure of insecurity. It's given freely and unequivocally as a gift. It's the most beautiful benefit of love.

Moves mountains.

“There is no greater power and support you can give someone than to look them in the eye, and with sincerity/conviction say, 'I believe in you.”